Buckminster Funerals Ltd                                                                                                                     Est 2004   

STANDARDISED PRICE LIST                                                                                     FEBRUARY 2024


All funeral directors are legally required to publish this Price List for a standardised set of products and

services. This is to help you think through your options, to make choices and to let you compare prices

between different funeral directors (as prices do vary considerably).


ATTENDED FUNERAL (funeral director’s charges only)                                                          £1,060

This is a funeral where family and friends have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person at the same time as they attend their burial or cremation.

Taking care of all necessary legal and administrative arrangements.                                                                   £210-

Collecting and transporting the deceased person from the place of death (normally within

20 miles of the funeral director’s premises) into the funeral director’s care.                                                        £240-

Care of the deceased person before the funeral in appropriate facilities. The deceased                                       £240-

person will be kept at the funeral director’s premises.

Providing a suitable coffin – this will be made from Oak/Mahogany/Elm Veneer.                           from          £180-

Viewing of the deceased person for family and friends, by appointment with the funeral

director (where viewing is requested by the client).                                                                                               £10-

At a date and time you agree with the funeral director, taking the deceased person direct

to the agreed cemetery or crematorium (normally within 20 miles of the funeral director’s premises) in a hearse or other appropriate vehicle                                                                                                                                                £180-



This is a funeral where family and friends may choose to have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person,  but they do not attend the burial or cremation itself.

Burial (funeral director’s charges only)                                                                                                             £750

Cremation (funeral director’s charges plus the cremation fee) ²                                                                  £1,200



For an Attended or Unattended burial funeral, the burial fee.¹                                                                              £865

In this local area (Leicester), the typical cost of the burial fee for local residents is:

For a new grave, you will also need to pay for the plot; for an existing grave with a memorial in

place, you may need to pay a removal/replacement fee. In addition, the cemetery may charge a

number of other fees.

For an Attended cremation funeral, the cremation fee

In this local area, the typical cost of a cremation for local residents is                                                        £750-1,000



This funeral director may be able to supply a range of optional, additional products and services, or to arrange

(on your behalf) for a third party to supply them. Examples include:

Additional mileage (price per mile)                                                                                                                      £1.50

Additional transfers of the deceased person’s body (e.g. to their home,

to a place of worship etc.) (price per transfer)                                                                                                       £180

Collection and delivery of ashes                                                                                                                                £5

Embalming                                                                                                                                                             £150

Funeral officiant (e.g. celebrant, minister of religion etc.)                                                                      From      £200

Services supplied outside of normal office hours                                                                                  Prices on request

The funeral director can give you a full list of what they can supply. They are likely to charge for these additional products and services, so you may choose to take care of some arrangements without their involvement, or you can

use a different supplier.

¹ This fee (which is sometimes called the interment fee) is the charge made for digging and closing a new

  grave, or for reopening and closing an existing grave. 

² In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, you will usually need to pay doctors’ fee(s) as well. This is the charge for

   a/two doctors to sign the Medical Certificates for Cremation.













Buckminster Funerals Ltd trades as a Limited Company number 05318606 registered in England & Wales at

15 Buckminster Road, Leicester. LE3 9AT. The directors of the company are Simon Cotton and Marianna

Cotton. The ultimate owner of the company is Simon Cotton. None of the directors have a beneficial interest

in any other funeral related business, price comparison website, crematoria or group.




We are legally required to disclose any donations, contributions or gratuities which amount to £250.00 or more

over a 12-month period that have been paid to a third party connected with the funeral sector which do not

relate to a cost incurred or service provided. We can confirm that no payments have been made in relation to

the above statement.






1 General


The Company’s primary concern is to provide a high quality service and as such it would not seek to enter

into a long and unnecessarily detailed contract for service. It does however acknowledge that its areas of

responsibility and obligations should be clearly defined in writing to its clients who should also be aware of

the level of protection offered to them and of their obligations to the Company. Throughout these terms and

conditions the “Company” is Buckminster Funerals Ltd.


The Company has no means of independently establishing who has the legal right to arrange a particular

funeral and it will therefore contract with any person that purports to have the authority to arrange the

funeral by virtue of being the next of kin, being an executor of the estate, acting on the instructions of at

least one of those individuals or, in the absence of any such individual, acting in their own capacity to

facilitate the funeral. Hereafter called the “Client”.


The Company employs qualified and experienced staff who will use their best professional skill to ensure

that the requests of its client are honoured. During the initial planning the Company representative may not

be aware of all the individual family circumstances and as these are disclosed it may transpire that certain

requests cannot be met. In these circumstances the Company will assist in making alternative arrangements

but it will not accept any liability for additional costs or losses that may arise as a result of it.



2 Changes to Funeral timings


The dates and times of funerals cannot be guaranteed until final bookings are made and confirmations

received from all third parties involved. On occasion, even after confirming details to its client, the

Company is forced to make other minor changes to arrangements and timings due to reasons beyond its

control, therefore timing is not the essence of this contract. Wherever possible any changes will be notified

to the Client in advance however the Company accepts no liability for delays caused by a third-party supplier

or any other factor outside of its control and in such circumstances the Company’s charges remain payable in

full. The company always attempts to contact its Client to agree changes but that is not always possible. If

the Company cannot contact the Client it assesses the situation and acts in what it believes to be the best

interests of the Client. It reserves the right to make additional charges for any extra services provided which

will be added to the final funeral account.



3 Estimation of Cost


Following the arrangement meeting the Company will send you a letter of confirmation and an itemized

cost estimate of the goods and services it has agreed to supply, both directly and through third party

suppliers and a reasonable indication of charges likely to be incurred. Upon receipt of this, it is the Client’s

responsibility to advise the Company if any of the instructions do not reflect their wishes. Lack of

communication will be assumed as acceptance of both the instruction and the associated approximate costs.



4 Data Protection


We respect the confidential nature of the information given to us, and where you provide us with personal

data (“data”) we will ensure that the data will be held securely, in confidence and processed for the purpose

of carrying out our services unless you give us your express permission for use in our marketing. In order

to provide our services we may need to pass such data to third parties and those third parties, who are

performing some of the services for you, may contact you directly. We will not pass your details to third

parties for marketing purposes whatsoever. Under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 you have

the right to know what data we hold on you and you can, by applying to us to in writing and paying a fee,

receive copies of that data. When you sign the acceptance you are giving us permission to keep your details

on record. Our Privacy Policy can be found at www.buckminsterfunerals.co.uk



5 Clothing & Personal Effects


The Company transfers the deceased person to its premises in the clothing worn unless given instruction to

the contrary. All underwear, socks, nightwear and/or soiled outer garments, are treated as waste and

disposed of in an appropriate manner. All other garments (excluding shoes, which must be removed for

cremation and are donated to charity unless express alternative instructions are received at the time) are

removed and held for 7 days after which time, if not collected (and without further notice) will be disposed

of in any way deemed appropriate by the Company. All valuables or keepsakes with the deceased person

at the time of collection are recorded and dealt with in accordance with instruction of the Client. When

jewellery or any other keepsake item is provided to us for placement into the coffin and left with or on the

deceased person during visits to the chapel of rest, the Company is not responsible for its safekeeping and

accepts no liability in the event of loss or damage.



6 Size of the deceased person


At the time the funeral is arranged is it usual for the Company to be unaware of the size (height or weight)

of a deceased person. Prices and information or products or services is done so on the assumption that a

person is no larger than certain reasonable limits. Once known the company takes account of the size of

the deceased person as there are limitations on every product and service in relation to size (weight and

or dimensions). Its preferred method of movement on a funeral is to shoulder carry the coffin but as a

responsible employer conforming to the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, a risk

assessment is carried out before each movement. Where this indicates there is or could be an

unacceptable avoidable risk, the Company either moves the coffin on a wheeled bier or arranges for

additional staff or both. Where the size exceeds any of the limits the Company may, at its absolute

discretion, provide additional staff, transport and equipment, and changes may be made to the type of

coffin/casket (or method of construction), crematorium, cemetery or to any other part of the service and

any additional costs involved in these changes will be shown on the Company’s final invoice.



7 Termination and Your Rights to Cancel the Contract


Under the Consumer Contract (Information Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 any

Client signing a contract with the Company in their home or their place of work, a right to cancel within

a period of 14 days (day one being the day the contract is signed). If the Client wishes to cancel this

contract, the cancellation must be received in writing within the 14 day cancellation period to The

Managing Director, Buckminster Funerals Ltd, 15 Buckminster Road, Leicester, LE3 9AT. Please note

that until the cancellation notice is received the Company will be unaware of the Client’s intention to

cancel. If you have not received a telephone call from us confirming its receipt, please telephone us as

we cannot be responsible for delays in receipt of such a notice. If the Client wishes the Company to

provide goods or services before the end of the 14-day cancellation period, the Company requires the

Client’s written consent, following which the Client become liable for payment for all goods or

services provided after that written consent is provided. A suitable consent is included within the client

agreement. This may be deleted before the client signs the agreement to delay provision of any service

or goods until after the 14-day cancellation period has ended, if the client so wishes.



8 Deposit


The Company requires a deposit payment in advance of the funeral date for some services or goods, as

detailed in section 9. This payment must be received 2 working days prior to the date of the service. If a

Client fails to make the payment before the required deadline, they will be in breach of the contract to

provide those service or goods and the Company may not provide them. Any new arrangement to

provide those services or goods will only be made when full payment for them is received (including

any cancellation or penalty fees incurred as a result of the delay in payment).



9 Final Account


The Company will usually produce its final account 7 days after the date of the funeral. It will itemise

the applicable charges that make up the final account and note aggregated payments already made

(except where covered by a pre-paid fund). The final account may vary from the estimate as it will

include any goods or services instructed since the estimate was generated. Any values of third-party

costs may be updated to their usual gross price if different to the estimated value. Any errors found

subsequent to the compilation of the estimate will be rectified on the production of the final account.



10 Payment and payment terms


The Company will forward the final account to another person if instructed by the Client. However,

the Client is personally responsible for the full payment of all charges and disbursements.

Re-directing the final account does not discharge that responsibility. The Client remains responsible

until payment is received in full. This includes any outstanding balance remaining if either not paid

or covered in full (if applicable) by the person to whom the final account was re-directed, the

Department of Works and Pensions or the administrator of the deceased person’s estate. In any case

the Client is responsible for ensuring payment within the payment terms set out below : The

Company requires a deposit payment equal to the value of disbursements paid to third parties, two

working days in advance of the funeral date for the total estimated cost of a bespoke funeral.  The

Company requires a 100% deposit payment, two working days in advance of the funeral date for the

total estimated cost of exhumation, assistance when working without a Funeral Director, and an

unattended funeral. The Company may require payment in advance of placing a manufacturing or

delivery order of any item (including coffins or caskets) over the value of £2,000. The Company

retains the ownership of all goods, service and third-party supplies for a specific contract until

payment for the full and final invoiced amount is received. The Company does not make a

surcharge for payments made by debit or credit cards. The final account is due for payment in

28 days from the date of issue unless otherwise agreed in writing. If the Client or other person to

whom the account has been passed, fails to pay us, the Company may charge interest. Interest will

be charged from the first day of the calendar month following the date the final account is due.

(e.g.1st of February for an account dated 25th December). At a rate of 2%, added on that first

calendar day, plus a further 2% to any outstanding balance of the first day of each calendar month

thereafter until paid in full. If, at its absolute discretion, The Company, deems it necessary, the

account will be passed on to a Solicitor, Collection Agency or Court and add all associated charges

and fees to the outstanding balance for settlement by the Client.



11 Complaints


The Company is a member of the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors

(Member 2077) and subscribe to its current Code of Practice, a copy of which is available upon

request. The Company acts in a professional manner and provides a courteous, sensitive and

dignified service to you. We acknowledge that some of the subject matters may not be considered

acceptable to all clients, however it may be necessary to hold that discussion with the best interests

of either the deceased person or client at heart. If the Client has a complaint or concern about the

service provided, please contact the Company in writing addressed to The Managing Director,

Buckminster Funerals Ltd, 15 Buckminster Road, Leicester, LE3 9AT; in the first instance. If that

does not resolve the issue to your satisfaction, please direct your concern to  Professional Standards

Chairman, SAIF Business Centre, 3 Bullfields, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, CM21 9DB. This

is a simple, free and independent service for effective dispute resolution, further details of which

can be found online at  https://saif.org.uk/about-saif/complaints/ or ask the Company for a leaflet.